Our work aims to understand human attention and memory and to use this knowledge to develop personal technological devices that can respond to our intentions and cognitive states. Combining neuroscience and engineering, we conduct experiments about human behavior, record and analyze physiological signals, and explore emerging technologies.
The lab is directed by Dr. Sam Michalka at Olin College of Engineering and supports deep research experiences for undergraduate students. Check out some of our current projects and reach out to us if you’re interested in getting involved.
Ava Lakmazaheri and Sam Michalka present Exploring Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials with Video Stimuli at the Society for Neuroscience Conference in Chicago, IL. C
Anusha Datar and Sam Michalka present Evaluating the Feasibility of Augmented Reality Brain-Machine Interfaces at the APA's Technology, Mind, and Society Conference in Washington DC. C
Hwei-Shin takes the Magic Leap into the world of mixed reality. We're currently working to develop neuroscience experiments using our fun new toy!